ESP for Asset Management

We want to partner with you to make a step change in the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) in reaching your asset management goals. The ESP gives you a dedicated asset management advisor that is supported by GIS professionals and Enterprise Asset Management / CMMS implementation experts. Your dedicated advisor and supporting ESP team are professionally certified by the Institute for Asset Management (IAM Fellow) and by

the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI – GISP Certifications). Your ESP team makes an investment in understanding your asset management goals and where the use of GIS and CMMS can be re-aligned to dramatically improve your success. Your dedicated advisor is your point of contact that is accessible anytime. In addition to your dedicated advisor, you have access to the entire Cultivate Geospatial Team to move your asset management program forward.

Examples of Services we can provide through the ESP

  • Developing a GIS optimized asset hierarchy.
  • Re-aligning how your CMMS/EAM software uses GIS to drive maintenance, inspections, capital renewals, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Creating service level goals and the correct KPIs to measure their achievement.
  • Building GIS centric asset management plans around your service level goals.
  • Capital planning optimization via GIS basedapproach to bundling assets into projects by spatial AND temporal analysis.
  • Performing asset management maturity assessments.
  • Training and certification in asset management from the Institute for Asset Management.
  • Validating your asset management program conforms to ISO 55000 and gap assessment.
  • Executive leadership training and workshops: understand how to truly enable asset management to succeed.

With the Enterprise Service Plan, you do not have to worry about hourly rates for the different members of our team. The hours for the program can be used by any member of our team regardless of what their normal hourly rate is for project work. The ESP comes in four sizes to fit your needs.

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ESP Levels, Hours & Technical Advisors Investment

1-day discovery & planning + monthly check-ins.

2-days discovery & planning + every two weeks check-ins.

2-days discovery & planning + every two weeks check-ins & project management.

Unlimited discovery & planning support with strategic scaled engagement with experts.

The ESP is an Annual Subscription

The consulting hours can accumulate for as long as you hold the subscription. The technical advisor investment happens every year of the subscription. We know the best way to have a successful partnership is for our technical advisor to stay engaged with your organization. We never force you to use your consulting hours.

You can use them on small projects throughout the year or save them up for several years and spend them all on one big project. We want to partner with you to grow your GIS into what you want it to be. With the ESP you will have a partner in GIS that will provide all the support you need to be successful.